
The Latest Alumni Updates


If you, or your child, who is also a Unity Alum, are currently serving in the Military and would like acknowledgment of your/their contribution to the protection of our country, please send their name, branch of service, and other information to the development office.

Austin Dornbush (Class of 2011) has completed his military service. We praise God for his safe-keeping and thank him for his service to our country. Parker Elenbaas (Class of 2014) who graduated from US Marine Corps bootcamp in May 2020, is currently stationed in Missouri at Fort Leonard Wood, where he is in Military Police (MP) training.

Please remember to keep Parker in your prayers, and all the young men and women listed below—along with their families as well:

  • Class of 1983: David Laninga (Chief Warrant Officer Four, U.S. Army Aviation [Retired])
  • Class of 1987: Chad Geers; Jeff Rozema
  • Class of 1994: Eric Alan Brew
  • Class of 1996: Jeremy Molendyk
  • Class of 1998: Allen Broene; Joon Kee Lee (Patrick Crans)
  • Class of 1999: Derk Nyenhuis; Ron Thenn
  • Class of 2000: Steve Bloem; Rick Martinus; Clayton Poortenga
  • Class of 2001: Seth Allen; Darin Elgersma; Drew VerHage
  • Class of 2002: Bryan Flietstra
  • Class of 2003: Adam Bosma; Jeff Dekkinga; Katy Driesenga; Justin Oosterbaan (Air Guard); Brian Tucker; Eric VanBeek
  • Class of 2004: Kody Fennema; Justin Hatchner
  • Class of 2005: Brett Jackson; Chris Kitler; Andrew Niewiek; Stephan Thenn; David Zylstra
  • Class of 2006: Jay Baum; Joshua Lankheet;  David Van Abbema
  • Class of 2007: Aubrey Bosma (Navy Reserves); Brandon Dragstra; Drew Grooters; Quynn Schaaphok;  Rachel Scott; Bobby Sorensen; Lauren Zandstra
  • Class of 2008: Michael Dekker; Kyle Emelander; Brandon Zomerlei
  • Class of 2009: Corbin Durek; Kent Schaaphok; Tyler Stroven; Ryan VanVels
  • Class of 2010: Tyler Wiersma
  • Class of 2011: Jon Mohr
  • Class of 2012:  Jeremy Folkerts
  • Class of 2013: Lucas Brower; Wyatt Johnson; Charlie Vrieland
  • Class of 2014: Parker Elenbaas; Andrew Folkerts; Jacob Herzog; Scott Lokker; Gavin Miedema; Joshua TerKeurst;  Nathan VandenBosch
  • Class of 2015: Trevor Vedders
  • Class of 2016: Maddy Harmon
  • Class of 2017: Michael Piechocki; Mitch Wynia
  • Class of 2018: Carson Schaaphok; Logan VandeKieft
  • Class of 2019:  Josh VandenHeuvel
  • Class of 2020: Connor Yowtz

The names of the Alumni listed above have been submitted by their families for recognition of their service in the military.   If you know of other Unity alumni currently serving in the US military branches, we would like to recognize and honor them in the Tidings.   Please send their information to, or call the Development Office at (616) 662-4011.

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Phone: (616) 662-4011
Address: 4542 48th Ave #1
                 Hudsonville, MI 49426

Class Reunions

Planning a reunion event?  Please contact us to publish this information in the next issue of the Tidings. 

Class Officers/Reunion Planners:  Class lists are available from the Development Office by request.